Medical Report Writing

How proficient are you at medical report writing? As doctors, writing a medical report is a skill we are required to possess.

Often, we’re requested to write medical reports for:

•Insurance companies
•Patient inter-or intrahospital transfers
•Legal purposes

Knowing how to structure a comprehensive medical report is therefore essential. It also demonstrates our:

•Communication skills
•Ability to summarise a patient’s conditions
•Ability to produce differential diagnosis
•Ability to include relevant medical information and physical examination findings
•Ability to provide a plan for continuing management

It also provides an opportunity for us to showcase our critical thinking abilities and comprehension of a patient’s condition.
Particularly for any interhospital transfer, the skill of writing a medical report is of the utmost importance for patient safety, as you the treating clinician, will know a great deal about the patient.

Learn how to structure a medical report on the Medical Leader Programme.

About Generation Leader

Generation Leader provides the most innovative, relevant and impactful online healthcare management and leadership courses for healthcare professionals. 

Our courses are aligned to the leadership curricula of the UK’s Royal Colleges and made specifically for healthcare professionals. Our courses have been created by medical doctors who know how the healthcare sector works from years of experience. All courses are applicable and relatable and help learners to succeed in gaining essential skills to excel in day-to-day work activities, such as: communicating with colleagues and patients, complex problem solving, conducting difficult conversations, innovation, knowing how to lead and motivate teams.

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*This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information is  not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.